First day in Pomare school!!

The school is 50% Maoris, 45% Samoans and the 4% of the Pacific islands and 1% European. In the school they teach maori and samoan, and there are teachers from different nationalities. The group of the teacher is really kind; they make me feel really good!
The classes start at 8.55 a.m and finish at 2.45 p.m, my teacher is Angela! I´m going to be in the class of special needs and in the afternoon I can go to all the classes!
I have different groups of children, Roland and Josiah came in the morning to read, the first two days Angela read with them but after these two days I read with them.
After reading with them I have a group of vocabulary of 9 and 10 years old! That they are improving their vocabulary, and after the tea time there is a group of 7 and 8 years old that they also go to improve, but there is a small group of 8 years with completely different problems… problems with the memory, reading, in the comprehension, problems at home…
In all the normal classes the children have three different classes: reading, listening and maths, they learn the things that they are going to use in their real life. And a lot of sports, swimming in the swimming pool, touch rugby, rippa rugby, basketball, netball, cricket…
They call me Miss Sanchez, not Celia… really strange, but Angela told me that it´s not really polite if they call me Celia!
And on Wednesday I spend the day in the class of 5 years old, they start the school at 5 years old, the same day of their birthday they start the school! And in the class there are five students, because they only stay there for a few weeks or a few months, and they go to the next class, the class of 5 and 6 years.
On Thursday after the morning I went to maori class, they are learning how to say my name is Celia, what is your name? But I don´t remember it! The most important word that everybody should know is kia ora, which means hello, welcome and thanks! And on Friday I spend all the day in samoan classes! Talofa means hello in samoan!

We spend the weekend in Wellington, we went to the Matiu-Sommes Island, and we went to a festival in Newtown with great New Zealand’s bands! And I went to a rugby match! Hurricanes!!